  1. To provide every learner of a second language with further opportunities for extending their knowledge and experience of the cultures of other people as well as opportunities for personal and intellectual development, further studies, pleasure and work in the English medium; and
  2. To enable every learner to prepare for the changing socio-economic demands resulting from advances in information technology; these demands include the interpretation, use and production of materials for pleasure, study and work in the English medium. 

Students will be able to:

  1. Think and communicate;
  2. Acquire, develop and apply knowledge;
  3. Respond and give expression to experience;

and within these contexts, to develop and apply an ever-increasing understanding of how language is organized, used and learned.

English Room
Activity: How to read and write workshop

Delivered by a keynote speaker, Jenny Chung from the Education Bureau on the topic of “How to read and write better”. Our Primary 6 students have been presented with engaging and powerful information about developing reading and writing proficiencies on 8/6/2021. Strategies of reading and writing will empower them to possess the literary skill to face different challenges in the future.

Activity: Learning English with Drama Fun

On 11/6, 18/6 and 12/7 workshops organized by SCHOLAR for participants to learn and practice basic acting skills through instruction, theatre games, exercise and activities designed to teach while having fun. Instructions is geared to stage acting with some introduction to acting for other media as well. Topics include character development, monologue work, scene work, timing movement, pantomime, voice and much more.

Activity: Drama performance

To live, to eat, to perform with confidence

On Fridays, we held the drama class with selected P3 to P6 students. The students were enthusiastic and energetic. They were taking on roles on their own and exploring different ways of expressing them. This year’s drama performance was “The Last Wolf”. It involved a flock of feathered animals, insects and animals that break into song, dance and occasional comedy. The backdrop and costumes were created by the actors. The students worked hard on delivering their roles with appropriate tone and body language, and the experience nurtured not only their creativities but also their confidence in stage performance, drama and English.

Activity: Story Quest

鼓勵及提升思考能力和學生英語閱讀能力,校方分別於3/2/2021及9/2/2021安排部份2及3年級學生參加Story Quest Programme,由外籍英語導師透過故事和小遊戲不斷激發學生提問和誘發他們的創意,十分有趣。

Activity: Online little maze runner

This is a competition aiming to provide students with authentic scenario to use and practice different English language skills by a series of interesting tasks in which students also need to demonstrate multiple intelligences such as communication skills, problem-solving, logical thinking and critical thinking. It targets for secondary school students.

Activity: English Ambassador

The English Ambassador Programme is a framework for learning which compasses the purpose, commitment and vision for groups of students to extend their knowledge and experiences beyond the classroom environment. It is a student development programme aimed at providing the students with beneficial opportunities to enhance their leadership skills, character, personal capabilities as well as interpersonal skills in leading others.


Its aim is to develop students' English language skills and to create a language-rich environment in the school.

Activity: English Drama Lesson

This year, our school continued to offer the English drama education. Dramatic activity is already a natural part of most children’s lives before they start school in the form of make-believe play, enabling them to make sense of their own identity by exploring meaningful fictional situations that have parallels in the real world. Students who are challenged by reading and writing (including those with English as a second language) often respond more positively to the imaginative and multi-sensory learning offered by drama.

Drama gives children opportunities to explore, discuss and deal with difficult issues and express their emotions in a supportive environment. It enables them to explore their own cultural values and those of others, past and present. It encourages them to think and act creatively, thus developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills that can be applied in all areas of learning.

Activity: English Speaking Competition

21st Century Cup is the most authoritative English Speaking Competition in China. Initiated by the China Daily Group in 1996, it encourages students to improve their English public speaking skills, utilize creativity, and broaden their international view.

Activity: Rugby English Active Learning

為了讓學生以全方位學習英文,校方安排了部份4及6年級學生參加Rugby English Active Learning,由專業外籍欖球教練用英語教導學生欖球術語及規則,更帶出體育精神的重要性。期後,我們更獲邀為香港欖球總會和語常會拍攝宣傳片段,學生能親身到球場訓練和接受訪問。從運動中學習英語,既好玩,又有趣,學生都十分投入!

體育精神的第一原則 -- 「互相尊重」,相信同學都學懂了。
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