學生佳作 (六年級)
The Adventure of Eric and the Genie小六6A 勞美研
If you owned a shop, what kind of shop would it be?小六6A 鄭正弦
Which superpower would you most like to have?小六6A 鄭伊庭
Inviting Donald Trump to have dinner小六6A 陳祖僑
If you owned a shop, what kind of shop would it be小六6A 陸家亮
An exciting hiking小六6B 鄭佳銘
What a day!小六6B 郭梓軒
A bad boy小六6B 麥梓澄
A scary incident小六6B 石晉翹
Genie in the bottle小六6B 王子樂
The Magic Bottle小六6C 王穎琦
A Typhoon Day小六6C 何美珊
An accident小六6C 蘇進
My dream job小六6D 梁銘熙
My day at the bookshop小六6D 徐芷晴
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電話: 2551 0030
傳真: 2551 7793
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